Dr. Moore speaking to an ecumenical gathering at the Vatican.
Dr. Russell Moore is president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention. He recently accepted an invitation to visit Pope Francis at the Vatican to discuss the defense of marriage (Why I’m Going to the Vatican). Like many influential evangelical leaders today, Dr. Moore is on the road to apostasy, and he’s leading others down that road. It doesn’t matter if your motivation is the protection of the unborn, the protection of traditional marriage, or any other moral cause, if you unite with the Pope of Rome, you are uniting with the longstanding, undeniable enemy of Christ and His Gospel. The Gospel for which Jesus Christ died, rose again, and sits at the right hand of the Father is the priority that trumps every moral cause. Nothing trumps the primacy of the declaration and defense of the Gospel.
Even more illuminating than Dr. Moore’s jovial announcement that he’s got a ticket to Rome, his recent article, “Some Thoughts on Pope Francis,” reveals doctrinal madness, or apostasy, or both (Some Thoughts on Pope Francis). Most notable amongst Dr. Moore’s thoughts on Pope Francis is what is missing from his thoughts. He never expresses the slightest thought that Pope Francis is the enemy of Christ our King and His glorious Gospel. The following quotes (in blue) from that article are insightful as to how an “evangelical” leader justifies uniting with Rome’s anti-Christ in order to defend marriage.
“First of all, I am a Protestant so, of course, I do not accept the church’s claims about the papal chair as Vicar of Christ. But though I protest; I don’t throw rocks (no Petrine pun intended). My mother’s side of the family was and is Roman Catholic, and some of the most significant influences in my life personally and intellectually are Roman Catholics.”
-Dr. Moore gives a mild obligatory rejection of the Pope being the Vicar of Christ, but refuses to throw Semper Reformanda rocks of Gospel truth at the oldest and most successful soul damning, anti-Christ system of works righteousness the world has ever seen. He then goes on to give unqualified thanksgiving for the significant personal blessings he has received from Roman Catholics in his life.
Dr. Moore posted this picture saying that he’s, “Praying for the Little Sisters of the Poor.” He’s praying for their court case, not their repentance and salvation from sin and the false gospel of Roman Catholicism.
“Second, I don’t dislike Pope Francis. I think he is quite right about the primacy of the gospel over culture wars. In my much smaller pool and from my much smaller perch, I’ve tried to say that outrage itself isn’t a Christian virtue. Our mission ought to be toward reconciliation, not the vaporization of our perceived enemies.”
-The Pope hasn’t missed the “primacy of the Gospel.” He doesn’t believe the Gospel. He’s the enemy of the Gospel! Dr. Moore declares to the Church and the world that he doesn’t “dislike Pope Francis.” He doesn’t dislike the man that every historic figure and document worth quoting declares to be the anti-Christ. He doesn’t dislike the man who actively labors against Christ our King, and the ministry of His glorious Gospel. He doesn’t dislike the charming man who is leading over a billion souls to Hell with a smile; a soft word; and a church, a priesthood, a sacramental system, and a catechism full of damning heresy. Dr. Moore says, “Our mission ought to be toward reconciliation, not the vaporization of our perceived enemies.” The Pope is not a “perceived enemy,” he’s the real enemy of Christ, His true Gospel, and the souls men.
Dr. Moore upheld Luther’s 95 Theses outside the Vatican, while undermining the Gospel inside the Vatican, inside the Southern Baptist Church, and inside the broader evangelical Church.
“But. If Pope Francis wishes to reclaim the primacy of the gospel, he must simultaneously speak with kindness to those outside of its reach and speak of the need for good news.”
-Dr. Moore is giving Pope Francis a pep talk on “the primacy of the gospel.” The Pope of Rome is seemingly a proponent and partner in the Gospel that has lost a passion for the primacy of its ministry. This thinking is evident throughout Dr. Moore’s writing and verbal communication regarding the Pope and the Catholic Church. Where Dr. Moore should be quoting Gal. 1:6-9’s anathemas, he instead gives “primacy” papal pep talks to a partner and fellow proponent of the Gospel. The prince of preachers, Charles H. Spurgeon, rebukes Dr. Moore’s pandering to the Pope:
“False gods, attempts to represent the true God, and indeed, all material things which are worshipped, are so much filth upon the face of the earth, whether they be crosses, crucifixes, virgins, wafers, relics, or even the Pope himself. We are by far too mealy mouthed about these infamous abominations: God abhors them, and so should we. To renounce the glory of spiritual worship for outward pomp and show is the height of folly, and deserves to be treated as such.” (The Treasury of David, Psalm 106:20)
“It is the bounden duty of every Christian to pray against Antichrist, and as to what Antichrist is no sane man ought to raise a question. If it be not the popery in the Church of Rome there is nothing in the world that can be called by that name. If there were to be issued a hue and cry for Antichrist, we should certainly take up this church on suspicion, and it would certainly not be let loose again, for it so exactly answers the description.” (C.H. Spurgeon)
“Popery is contrary to Christ’s Gospel, and is the Antichrist, and we ought to pray against it. It should be the daily prayer of every believer that Antichrist might be hurled like a millstone into the flood and for Christ, because it wounds Christ, because it robs Christ of His glory, because it puts sacramental efficacy in the place of His atonement, and lifts a piece of bread into the place of the Saviour, and a few drops of water into the place of the Holy Ghost, and puts a mere fallible man like ourselves up as the vicar of Christ on earth; if we pray against it, because it is against Him, we shall love the persons though we hate their errors: we shall love their souls though we loath and detest their dogmas, and so the breath of our prayers will be sweetened, because we turn our faces towards Christ when we pray.” (C.H. Spurgeon)
Dr. Moore had a “delightful breakfast with Rick Warren…at the Vatican,” the heart of the longest standing, most successful, anti-Christ system of works righteousness the world has ever seen. Rick Warren cancelled the Reformation long ago and only reaffirmed his position of apostasy once again while at the Vatican with Dr. Moore. “It’s great to be with leaders from different streams of Christianity from all over the world,” Warren said from the Vatican on Monday. “Although we have some differences, we all love Jesus Christ and we all want marriages and families to be healthy and strong.” (Orange County Register, Nov. 17, 2014)
Charles Spurgeon says: “Popery is contrary to Christ’s Gospel, and is the Antichrist, and we ought to pray against it,” and in sharp contrast, Russell Moore proudly tweets the world about his “special time with Pope Francis [and how] glad he was to hear from him.”Pope Francis having a “special time” kissing an idol in the form of a crucifix.Pope Francis having a “special time” worshipping the idol of the transubstantiated “Christ” in the wafer.Charles Spurgeon says, “filth…infamous abominations…[&] Antichrist.” Russell Moore says, “Pontifex is a very good choice for Time Person of the Year.”
“… if what they feel in their psyches and read in their Bibles (and in their Catholic catechisms) is that those who commit such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.”
-In making his “primacy” point, Dr. Moore unconscionably references the authority of the Bible and the “Catholic catechism” while simultaneously making no criticism of the catechism’s bold anti-Christ, anti-Gospel, soul damning doctrines (see bottom).
“I’m in no position to advise the Bishop of Rome, but I hope we’ll see a fuller-orbed message from him. I’m with Pope Francis on the need for kindness, but I pray it will be a convictional kindness that addresses both the reality of God’s holy justice and his reconciling love.”
-Dr. Moore’s tone would be appropriate if he was critiquing an esteemed Baptist colleague on a nuance of the ministry and application of the Gospel, but he’s talking about the Pope of Rome. Every pastor, in every church, in every age is in a “position to advise the Bishop of Rome” to repent of his anti-Christ position, title, church, priesthood, sacraments, and catechism full of the doctrines of demons. Every pastor, in every church, in every age has a responsibility to defend the Gospel and the souls of men from anti-Christ enemies (Roman Catholic, Mormon, Jehovah’s Witness, etc.). We do not “hope to see a fuller-orbed message from” the anti-Christ of Rome. That is madness, or apostasy, or both. To play the role of the mildly critical gospel partner of the Bishop of Rome hoping for a “fuller-orbed message,” is to play the role of the apostate and to lead others into apostasy. To partner with the Bishop of Rome for the defense of marriage, is to partner with the enemy of Christ and His Gospel. No moral issue justifies union with enemies of Christ and His Gospel. No moral issue can be allowed to subjugate the declaration and defense of the Gospel.Nothing trumps the primacy of the Gospel!
“To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” (Isa. 8:20)
Galatians 1:6-10, 2 Corinthians 6:14-17, and 2 John 7-11 serve as rebuke to Dr. Moore and all those who choose partnership with notorious servants of Satan:
“I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, 7 which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. 9 As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed. 10 For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ.” (Gal. 1:6-10)
“Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? 15 And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? 16 And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God…17 Therefore ‘Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you.’” (2 Cor. 6:14-17)
“For many deceivers have gone out into the world who do not confess Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist. 8 Look to yourselves, that we do not lose those things we worked for, but that we may receive a full reward. 9 Whoever transgresses and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ does not have God. He who abides in the doctrine of Christ has both the Father and the Son. 10 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, do not receive him into your house nor greet him; 11 for he who greets him shares in his evil deeds.” (2 John 7-11)
*A brief sampling of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (The Pope’s anti-Christ doctrine):
Christ instituted the sacraments of the new law. There are seven: Baptism, Confirmation (or Chrismation), the Eucharist, Penance, the Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders and Matrimony. CCC Para 1210
“The Church affirms that for believers the sacraments of the New Covenant are necessary for salvation.‘Sacramental grace’is the grace of the Holy Spirit, given by Christ and proper to each sacrament.” CCC Para 1129
“Baptism is thefirst and chief sacrament of forgiveness of sins because it unites us with Christ…” CCC Para 977
“Baptism,…erases original sin…” CCC Para 405
“Justification is conferred in Baptism, the sacrament of faith.” CCC Para 1992
“In this divine sacrifice which is celebrated in the Mass, the same Christwho offered himself once in a bloody manner on the altar of the crossis contained and is offered in an unbloody manner.” CCC Para 1367
“Taken up to heaven she (Mary) did not lay aside this saving office but by her manifold intercession continues to bring us the gifts of eternal salvation…. Therefore the Blessed Virgin is invoked in the [Roman Catholic] Church under the titles of Advocate, Helper, Benefactress, and Mediatrix.” CCC Para 969
“By asking Mary to pray for us, we acknowledge ourselves to be poor sinners and we address ourselves to the ‘Mother of Mercy,’ the All Holy One.” CCC Para 2677
*The Sacrament of Penance -THE CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA
Penance is a sacrament of the New Law instituted by Christ in which forgiveness of sins committed after baptism is granted through the priest’s absolution to those who with true sorrow confess their sins and promise to satisfy for the same. It is called a “sacrament” not simply a function or ceremony, because it is an outward sign instituted by Christ to impart grace to the soul. As an outward sign it comprises the actions of the penitent in presenting himself to the priest and accusing himself of his sins, and the actions of the priest in pronouncing absolution and imposing satisfaction. This whole procedure is usually called, from one of its parts, “confession”, and it is said to take place in the “tribunal of penance”, because it is a judicial process in which the penitent is at once the accuser, the person accused, and the witness, while the priest pronounces judgment and sentence. The grace conferred is deliverance from the guilt of sin and, in the case of mortal sin, from its eternal punishment; hence also reconciliation with God, justification.
“Christ instituted the sacrament of Penance for all sinful members of his Church: above all for those who, since Baptism, have fallen into grave sin, and have thus lost their baptismal grace and wounded ecclesial communion. It is to them that the sacrament of Penance offers a new possibility to convert and to recover the grace of justification.” CCC Para 1446
“One who desires to obtain reconciliation with God and with the Church, must confess to a priest all the unconfessed grave sins he remembers after having carefully examined his conscience.” CCC Para 1493
Pastor Voddie Baucham has written on the plight and implications of Ferguson here. Pastor Dan Phillips wrote a complementary piece that can be found here. Their articles bring a wealth of Biblical insight to the situation in Ferguson and the broader implications of the riots we have all watched taking place in major cities across America. I’ll try not to duplicate their excellent points. I really just have one main point; THE MINISTRY OF THE LAW AND GOSPEL IS THE ANSWER to the Ferguson tragedy which is a microcosm of the greater tragedy of sin and death perpetuated in countless lives and cultures since the fall of Adam.
The facts are in, and they are clear. We can’t second guess Officer Darren Wilson, who was protecting the law abiding citizens of his community from a criminal who robbed a store and then violently attacked the arresting officer, attempting to take his service weapon. We can’t second guess the grand jury that carefully looked at all the evidence on hand and came to the very reasonable conclusion that the officer did his job. Instead, we need to be very thankful for police officers who enforce the laws of our land; who preserve the peace and prosperity of our communities; and who, at the peril of their own lives, stand up against violent criminals that would otherwise prey upon our families.
As horrific as it would be, if one of my own sons robbed a store, threatened physical violence, and then attacked the police officer that attempted to arrest him, I would not be shocked to learn he was shot and killed. Why not? I often tell my own children, and the children of the church I pastor, “Sin will take you farther than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay, and cost you more than you want to pay!” The statement isn’t original to me, but I have made it my own because it is profoundly and painfully true. A Biblical world view and basic reason both argue that I should only be shocked if my son wasn’t shot and killed in such circumstances. God’s inerrant Word must not only inform our reasoning in such matters, but actually conform our reasoning to the mind of God. Carefully read the Word of God below. Ponder it. Pray over it. Reason by it. Act upon it. Speak according to it. Michael Brown’s path of destruction jumps off the page.
Proverbs 1:7-18 “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction. 8 My son, hear the instruction of your father, and do not forsake the law of your mother; 9 For they will be a graceful ornament on your head, and chains about your neck. 10 My son, if sinners entice you, do not consent. 11 If they say, “Come with us, let us lie in wait to shed blood; let us lurk secretly for the innocent without cause; 12 let us swallow them alive like Sheol, and whole, like those who go down to the Pit; 13 we shall find all kinds of precious possessions, we shall fill our houses with spoil; 14 cast in your lot among us, let us all have one purse” —15 My son, do not walk in the way with them, keep your foot from their path; 16 for their feet run to evil, and they make haste to shed blood. 17 Surely, in vain the net is spread in the sight of any bird; 18 but they lie in wait for their own blood, they lurk secretly for their own lives.”
Romans 6:23 “The wages of sin is death…”
Romans 13:1-4 “Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. 2 Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same. 4 For he is God’s minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God’s minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil.”
Our youth and our society as a whole need a revival ofthe fear of God, a fear of breaking God’s laws, and a fear of he who “does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God’s minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil.” What Ferguson has vividly shown us is that many Americans have no fear of God, and that having no fear of God leads to death. It isn’t a racial issue, it’s a sin issue, and “the wages of sin is death.” Death comes upon individuals and societies that have no fear of God, violate God’s Law, and violently assault the authorities God has appointed to protect the innocent and bring justice to the criminal. Sometimes death comes over time. Sometimes death comes immediately. When it comes, it is just.
What will bring about a soul saving, life saving, culture changing revival of the fear of God? America needs Biblical, bold, loving men of God to preach the Law of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ from the pulpit and in the open air. We don’t need more pep-talk delivering life coaches in the pulpit. We don’t need more “culturally sensitive” emergent cowards in the pulpit. We need preachers who will thunder out the omnipotent Word of God without compromise in the pulpit and on the street (see The Herald Society) . The profound blessing that can come out of the Ferguson tragedy is that we come to a certain recognition of America’s sinful rebellion against God and His Law; recognize that sin brings the just judgment of “death” physically and spiritually under the wrath of God; recognize that our lives, communities, and nation can and will be ripped apart by unchecked sin; and commit ourselves to actively combating sin and death by boldly proclaiming God’s Law and life giving Gospel in our communities for the glory of God, the salvation of souls, and the mutual blessing of all.
The hope of the world, the hope of America, the hope of Ferguson, and the hope of every sinner is to learn the beginning of wisdom, the fear of God; to repent of sin and rebellion; to confess Jesus Christ as Lord; and to learn to walk in the light of the Word of God, loving the Lord and our neighbors as ourselves. God’s gracious and powerful solution to the sin and death that is ever more prevalent in the evening news (57 million babies murdered through abortion, homosexual marriage, sex trafficking, Islamic beheadings, ISIS, Ferguson) is summed up in the following verses.
Mark 1:15“…the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.”
Romans 10:9-17 “…if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 11 For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.” 12 For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord over all is rich to all who call upon Him. 13For “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (ALL MANKIND -red, black, yellow, white, or brown) 14 How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed?And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? 15 And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, Who bring glad tidings of good things!” 16 But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Isaiah says, “Lord, who has believed our report?” 17So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”
Matt 28:19-20“‘Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.’ Amen.”
Luke 24:47“…repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name to all nations!”
Join me in praying that the Lord will shake the American evangelical church out of a disposition of apathetic Law and Gospel silence.Join me in praying that the Lord will revive the American evangelical church to a bold and loving ministry of Law and Gospel proclamation in the pulpit and on the street.Join me in praying that pastors and churches like Pastor Geoff Kirkland and his evangelistic flock are safe and successful in their faith-filled, courageous declaration of the Law of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the streets of St. Louis. Join me in praying for the Ferguson Police Department, Officer Darren Wilson, and all those who serve and protect our families, our businesses, our schools, and our places of worship from sea to shining sea. Join me in praying Michael Brown’s extended family and friends will look to God’s Word, learn the fear of God, come to repentance and a saving confession of Jesus Christ as Lord, and experience everlasting peace through the Prince of Peace.
I heard the tragic story of Brittany Maynard’s Nov. 1st suicide date on the local Christian radio station yesterday. Brittany moved to Portland, Oregon, my city and state, to take her own life by suicide. As the father of two adult children just a few years younger than her, my heart breaks for her circumstances. There is much I would like to compassionately say to Brittany regarding the value of her life and the fact that we don’t have the right to take life because we deem it valueless due to inconvenience (abortion) or suffering (euthanasia). However, what needs to be said MOST, and what was glaringly absent on the Christian radio station is this. The horrific reality of Brittany’s attempt to escape suffering is that without repentance and confession of Jesus Christ as her Lord, she will suffer the due penalty of her sins under God’s judgment in Hell. What Brittany needs to know more than anything else is that there is abundant life in Christ now and for all eternity if she will turn from her sin and confess Him as her Lord and risen Savior (Rom. 10:9). What Brittany needs to know is the incredible reality of 1 Cor. 15:54-55, that in Christ “Death is swallowed up in victory” and we can say victoriously “O Death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory?” What Brittany desperately needs to be warned of is that outside of Christ there is only death, Hell, and eternal suffering. Suicide is NOT a savior from suffering. Jesus is the only Savior; “Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). He alone has conquered sin, death, and suffering. Look to Jesus Christ and live; “He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him” (John 3:36). Brittany don’t die in your sins. Look to Christ and live, now and forever, under the abundant grace, mercy, and love of God.
“Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour.” (1 John 2:18, NKJV)
David Robertson is the pastor of the St. Peter’s Free Church in Dundee, Scotland. When recently called on his open promotion of the Roman Catholic Church and celebration of the pope as a Christian brother, Robertson fired back this statement: “oh dear – I seem to have disturbed another anti-Catholic unbalanced bigot….please keep your rants to yourself…thanks.” I have a confession to make. I may indeed be an “anti-Catholic unbalanced bigot.” In fact, I’m guilty as charged, if that means I believe the Gospel; believe the pope and Church of Rome to be the enemy of the Gospel; and believe well connected “protestant” pastors ought not attack Biblical evangelism and Gospel preaching evangelists (See: Ashamed of the Gospel), while simultaneously promoting the longest standing, most successful anti-Christ enemy of the Gospel the world has ever known.
David Robertson condescendingly defends his apostate proclamation of brotherhood with Pope Benedict: “I regard him as a Christian brother…I personally thank the Lord for this Pope.”
In 2010, when Pope Benedict visited Glasgow to celebrate the heretical Roman Catholic mass, David Robertson acted the part of a pro-pope, pro-Catholic, counter-reformation cheerleader when he wrote: “Just been on Radio Scotland to welcome the Pope to Scotland! I honestly think his book on Jesus is one of the best I have ever read. I think he is an intelligent and thoughtful man and I regard him as a Christian brother…I personally thank the Lord for this Pope.” (See: Pope of Rome in Glasgow)
Here’s David Robertson’s “Christian brother” leading the Church of Rome in the worship of the transubstantiated Christ (idolatry), in the form of a wafer on top of a glorified stick. This is the daily soul damning abomination of the antichrist Roman Catholic Church, celebrated and led by antichrist Pope Benedict, who David Robertson proudly claims as a “Christian brother” just before saying, “I personally thank the Lord for this Pope.”
In 2013, in an article titled “A New Years Wish List for the Church in Scotland in 2014,” Robertson continued his counter-reformation when he listed and promoted the Roman Catholic Church as a genuine, Biblical church, from which he hoped to see the hand of God move in the coming year. His consciousness of being a pro-Catholic counter-reformer shows through in these words: “There are those who would be surprised and horrified that I would include the Roman Catholics in this list.” (See: A New Years Wish List for the Church of Scotland in 2014)
In 2014, during a debate titled “Is the Catholic Church the One True Church?,” Robertson argued against the Roman Catholic Church being the one true church, but clearly and simultaneously communicated that he believes it to be a true church. Between the 4 and 10 minute marks of the debate, Robertson declares the Roman Catholic apologist (Peter D. Williams) to be his Christian brother; he dogmatically denies that the pope is anti-Christ; he staunchly declares committed Catholics to be his brethren in Christ; and boldly besmirches and summarily cancels the Protestant Reformation. Between the 18-19 minute marks, Robertson states that if a committed Catholic was to join his church he would not consider it a conversion, but a transfer from one Christian church to another, and goes a step further to say that he would recognize their Catholic baptism. Between 20:20 and 21:00, Robertson speaks of his own temptation to convert to Catholicism. Between 23:00 and 23:15, he again establishes that pope Benedict is his “Christian brother,” saying: “I got in trouble in Scotland for welcoming the pope as a Christian brother to Scotland, and I would welcome him as that.” At 28:50 Robertson invites his “Catholic brothers and sisters” to his upcoming conference. (See: Is the Catholic Church the One True Church?)
The prince of preachers, Charles H. Spurgeon, rebukes David Robertson and all those apostasizing with pope, priest, & sacrament:
“False gods, attempts to represent the true God, and indeed, all material things which are worshipped, are so much filth upon the face of the earth, whether they be crosses, crucifixes, virgins, wafers, relics, or even the Pope himself. We are by far too mealy mouthed about these infamous abominations: God abhors them, and so should we. To renounce the glory of spiritual worship for outward pomp and show is the height of folly, and deserves to be treated as such.” (C.H. Spurgeon, The Treasury of David, Psalm 106:20)
“It is the bounden duty of every Christian to pray against Antichrist, and as to what Antichrist is no sane man ought to raise a question. If it be not the popery in the Church of Rome there is nothing in the world that can be called by that name. If there were to be issued a hue and cry for Antichrist, we should certainly take up this church on suspicion, and it would certainly not be let loose again, for it so exactly answers the description.” (C.H. Spurgeon)
“Popery is contrary to Christ’s Gospel, and is the Antichrist, and we ought to pray against it. It should be the daily prayer of every believer that Antichrist might be hurled like a millstone into the flood and for Christ, because it wounds Christ, because it robs Christ of His glory, because it puts sacramental efficacy in the place of His atonement, and lifts a piece of bread into the place of the Saviour, and a few drops of water into the place of the Holy Ghost, and puts a mere fallible man like ourselves up as the vicar of Christ on earth; if we pray against it, because it is against Him, we shall love the persons though we hate their errors: we shall love their souls though we loath and detest their dogmas, and so the breath of our prayers will be sweetened, because we turn our faces towards Christ when we pray.” (C.H. Spurgeon)
Pastor John MacArthur preached a powerful message titled “The Pope and the Papacy” that serves as a more recent rebuke for David Robertson and all those (Luis Palau, Rick Warren, etc.) apostasizing with Roman Catholic pope, priest, apologist, or church:
“What was at stake? I’ll tell you what was at stake. What was at stake is whether or not we evangelize Roman Catholics, that’s what’s at stake. One billion of them in the world. Are they a mission field? Or are they our co-laborers for Christ? That changes everything, everything. On the other side, one of the leading evangelicals said, “I think it’s so wonderful that we can now see Catholics as Christians because that means millions and millions of people are Christians.” As if somehow by them deciding they were Christians they became Christians. I was absolutely incredulous, almost fell off my chair.”
“Reclassifying the Pope, reclassifying the Roman Catholics as believers isn’t that simple. It has massive implications. It has implications that literally overturn centuries of missionary effort. It has massive implications that overturn centuries, if not millennia of martyrdom. In the long war on the truth, the most formidable, relentless and deceptive enemy has been Roman Catholicism. It is an apostate, corrupt, heretical, false Christianity, it is a front for the kingdom of Satan. The true church of the Lord Jesus Christ has always understood this. And even through the Dark Ages from 400 to 1500, prior to the Reformation, genuine Christian believers set themselves apart from that system, and were brutally punished and executed for their rejection of that system.”
“Based on his study of Scripture, Martin Luther finally declared, quote: ‘We here are of the conviction that the Papacy is the seat of the true and real Antichrist. I owe the Pope no other obedience than that I owe to Antichrist.’ Luther said, ‘I am persuaded that if at this time St. Peter in person should preach all the articles of holy Scripture and only deny the Pope’s authority, power and primacy and say that the Pope is not the head of all Christendom, they would cause him to be hanged. Yet if Christ Himself were again on earth and should preach without all doubt, the Pope would crucify Him again.’ John Calvin, 1509 to 1564, ‘Some persons think us too severe and censorious when we call the Pontiff Antichrist, but those who are of this opinion do not consider that they bring the same charge of presumption against Paul himself after whom we speak and whose language we adopt. I shall briefly show that Paul’s words in 2 Thessalonians 2 are not capable of any other interpretation than that which implies them to the Papacy.’ They saw in the Antichrist the Papacy, the Pope.”
“John Knox, 1505-1572, great Scottish Presbyterian, sought to counteract the tyranny which the Pope himself had for so many ages exercised over the church, he himself said, ‘The Papacy is the very Antichrist, the Pope being the son of perdition of whom Paul speaks.’ Thomas Cranmer, one of the great martyrs in England died in 1556 said, ‘Whereof it follows Rome to be the seat of Antichrist and the Pope to be the very Antichrist himself. I can prove the same by many Scriptures.’ The Westminster Confession was written in 1647, the Westminster Confession, the Confession of the Reformers says, ‘There is no other head of the church but the Lord Jesus Christ, nor can the Pope of Rome in any sense be head thereof, but is that Antichrist, that man of sin and son of perdition that exalted himself in the church against Christ and all that is called God.'”
“The Roman Empire then is in the view of these men of God through the ages a front line for Satan. And for Spurgeon, Rome was a deadly enemy, first of all, as well as a mission field. Spurgeon said, ‘We must have no truce and make no treaty with Rome.’ He said this, ‘War, war to the knife with her. Peace there cannot, she cannot have peace with us, we cannot have peace with her. She hates the true church and we can only say that the hatred is reciprocated. We would not lay a hand upon her priests. We would not touch a hair of their heads. Let them be free but their doctrine we would destroy from the face of the earth as the doctrine of devils. So let it perish, O God, and let that evil thing become as the fat of lambs, into smoke. Let it consume. Yea into smoke let it consume.’ You can just hear him preaching that in the tabernacle in London. He went on to say, ‘We must fight the Lord’s battles against this giant error, whichever shape it takes. And so must we do with every error that pollutes the church. Slay it utterly. Let none escape. Fight the Lord’s battles, even though it be in error that is in the evangelical church, yet we must smite it.’ We stand on those shoulders.”
*For much more information see Pastor John MacArthur’s excellent sermon “The Pope and the Papacy” at: http://www.gty.org/resources/sermons/90-291/the-pope-and-the-papacy
This article is written at great risk of provoking David Robertson to charge Charles Spurgeon, John MacArthur, Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Knox, and the authors of the Westminster Catechism with the crime of being “anti-Catholic unbalanced bigot[s].” That would inevitably result in a very visible case of “protestant” pastoral implosion. He would likely no longer be welcome as a guest speaker on certain Christian radio shows. He would almost certainly no longer be welcome to write for faithful Reformed publications such as Table Talk, by Ligonier Ministries. One could expect that Robertson’s books would never again cross the Atlantic to grace the table at the Shepherd’s Conference under John MacArthur’s pastoral teaching and leadership. So I expect he’ll exercise self control over his tendency to pronounce those that condemn his apostasy with Rome as “anti-Catholic unbalanced bigot[s].” Regardless, David Robertson and all other counter-reforming friends of the anti-Christ pope and the Roman Catholic Church, must be warned that they are on the wrong side of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, holy Scripture, and the Protestant Reformation. Even more importantly, the genuine Gospel believing Church of Jesus Christ needs to be warned again of the soul damning heresies of the anti-Christ pope, the Roman Catholic Church, and the apostasizing “evangelicals” or “protestants” that promote them. May God grant that David Robertson’s next book will be titled “A Personal Gospel Reformation -How I Unfriended the Anti-Christ Pope of Rome.” Semper Reformanda.
Mason Goodnight’s friendship, partnership, and this video endorsement come as a great blessing and encouragement to the saints of Beaverton Grace Bible Church and the Biblical Church Evangelism Conference. It has been my privilege to proclaim the Law of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ alongside Mason in the heart of Portland and outside of Portland’s abortion clinics. Most recently we partnered together to reach thousand’s of Oregonians with the Gospel during the Starlight and Rose Parades.
Mason is an outstanding street preacher, faithfully proclaiming the Gospel with grace and truth, lifting up Jesus Christ as the Light of the world in the darkness of the PNW. It is an education and joy to listen to his messages and watch him interact with men and women who desperately need to learn of Christ and His finished work on the cross. We are so glad that he and his crew of CORE Ministries evangelists will be joining us again for the conference.
Mark 16:15 says, “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.” I met a unicorn yesterday while preaching the Gospel at Oregon’s largest Independence Day Parade. Unfortunately the young unicorn was mocking the proclamation of the Law and Gospel. We must ask ourselves if this behavior is innate to unicorns, or is there another explanation. I fear that it was actually a sinful descendant of Adam exercising his innate sin nature and not a unicorn at all. In all the annals of history there is not a single case of a sinful unicorn to be found, and while yesterday’s creature had a distinctly unicorn head, the rest of his body seemed to be that of a descendant of Adam. Despite the true identity of the heckling unicorn, join us in celebrating that yet another one of God’s creatures and a great many of his human counterparts heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The recent Supreme Court decision overturning Massachusetts’ abortion clinic “buffer zone” is cause for great celebration. On a national level we celebrate the decision as evidence of God’s grace upon the United States of America. God, who is sovereign in the affairs of men, has seen fit to keep the door open for the soul saving, baby rescuing ministry of the Law and Gospel at America’s abortion clinics (Prov. 21:1). SCOTUS’s defense of the First Amendment is not simply a fortuitous turn of events, it is divine providential grace. It is a call to Bible believing, Gospel believing, unborn baby loving Christians to minster grace and truth on the doorstep of every abortion clinic from sea to shining sea (Prov. 24:11-12).
On a local legal level, we celebrate last week’s SCOTUS decision as a victory over Brad Avakian’s attempt to circumvent the First Amendment and shut down abortion clinic ministry in Oregon through the misuseof the press, and the use and abuseof his Oregon state government office to make threats ofprison time and exorbitant fines. In early August, 2013, an article appeared in Portland’s ultra-liberal, pro-LGBT, pro-abortion Willamette Week newspaper stating that the Oregon State Labor Commissioner, Brad Avakian, had “started an informal inquiry into the Lovejoy Surgicenter protesters (Beaverton Grace Bible Church) under Oregon’s laws banning discrimination and requiring ‘full and equal accommodations, advantages, facilities and privileges of any place of public accommodation.’” The WW article goes on to say, “It’s the same law state officials use to prohibit discrimination based on race, religion or sexual orientation.” Mr. Avakian attempted to thwart the Constitutional rights of citizens to publicly speak to other Americans about abortion, God’s Law, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ with a misapplied discrimination law. Beaverton Grace Bible Church and our partners from other local churches don’t discriminate. We speak with grace and truth to men and women of all ethnicities about choosing life at the Lovejoy Surgicenter. We preach the Law and the Gospel to all regardless of race, gender, or creed. (Video Games on Lovejoy -Willamette Week)
The Oregonian (who regularly endorses Brad Avakian for political office) followed the Willamette Week’s lead with an article by Nicole Friedman:
“The Bureau of Labor and Industries is informally investigating whether new protesters (BGBC) outside the Lovejoy Surgicenter are violating state law by denying people access to the center. The bureau is trying to determine whether the protesters are violating women’s civil rights by denying them access to the clinic based on gender, Burr said. It would be the first time this civil rights statute has been used to address anti-abortion protests, he said. The bureau used the same statute to investigate allegations that Portland’s Twilight Room Annex, formerly known as the P Club, denied access to transgender people, he said…Chuck O’Neal, pastor of Beaverton Grace Bible Church, has visited the Northwest Portland center to preach on the sidewalk about once a week for several months, he said. Sometimes he is joined by five or six members of his church or other churches, he said. “It’s not really a protest,” O’Neal said. “It is a consistent biblical ministry of the law and the gospel.” The church has posted videos dating back to April on its website of O’Neal speaking outside the clinic. A bureau employee saw protests outside the clinic on the way to work and notified the bureau’s civil rights division, Burr said. The bureau has interviewed clinic staff and neighbors and watched the protesters, he said. O’Neal said that the bureau would not find evidence of civil rights violations “unless they conjure something up.” “Are we in any way blocking their entrance? Are we in any way disallowing them the opportunity to take the life of their child?” he said of people who visit the clinic. “No. Unfortunately, many go right on by and go inside.”
In one video posted on the church’s website, a woman [ABORTION NURSE] outside the clinic holds up a sign that reads, “Beaverton Grace Bible Church intimidates women.” In response, O’Neal can be heard saying to her: “If you’re a woman who murders children, ma’am, or aids in the murder of children, then I definitely would want you intimidated, that you wouldn’t do that. But our purpose is not to intimidate you. Our purpose is to love you and to warn you of the wrath to come.” (State informally investigating protests at abortion clinic in Northwest Portland -Oregonian)
Brad Avakian is attempting to override the First Amendment with a twisted application of an antidiscrimination law, but not just any antidiscrimination law. As an Oregon state legislator, in 2007, he wrote the antidiscrimination law that he is now robustly wielding against Bible believing Christians as the Oregon state Labor Commissioner. In August of 2013, consistent with his homosexual political activism, Brad Avakian used his law against Aaron and Melissa Klein (Christian owners of the Sweet Cakes bakery) for declining to make a wedding cake that went against their Biblical values for a lesbian marriage that the state of Oregon didn’t even recognize as lawful (Legal Woes Not Over for Oregon Bakery Forced Underground for Refusing to Make Cake for Same Sex Wedding -Victoria Taft). If you follow the links on Mr. Avakian’s Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries website, you’ll find an open and passionate union with the LGBT community. Brad Avakian is a leading LGBT civil rights activist, lawyer, and politician in Oregon. He is a key voice and influence promoting the homosexual agenda and gay marriage legislation in Oregon. He regularly champions the U.S. Constitution in the advancement of the LGBT agenda, but in sharp contrast seeks to trample the U.S. Constitution when it comes to the right of Christians to minister the Word of God at abortion clinics in the state of Oregon. If you speak out loud, proud, and publically for the LGBT cause, abortion cause, or any other liberal cause that Mr. Avakian agrees with, he is all for it. If you speak out boldly and publically for a cause Mr. Avakian opposes, he will use his position and power in an attempt to intimidate you, imprison you, fine you, shut you up, and shut you down.
On August 26th, 2013, Brad Avakian sent a registered letter with Oregon state seal letterhead, addressed to “Mr. Charles O’Neal and other reproductive health center protesters.” The letter was a bold attempt to suppress the First Amendment and shut down the public proclamation of the Law of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ at Portland’s most murderous abortion clinic, the Lovejoy Surgicenter. Mr. Avakian’s letter closed with a threat of “one year in prison and a $6,250.00 fine per violation.”Last August the LGBT activist, pro-abortion Oregon State Labor Commissioner misused the press and abused the authority of his office in an attempt to thwart the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment. Last week the U.S. Supreme Court put Brad Avakian’s pro-abortion activism in check.
The Oregonian and Willamette Week both reported on the SCOTUS “buffer zone” decision, and they both made reference to Mr. Avakian’s “investigation” into Beaverton Grace Bible Church’s abortion clinic ministry. One article accurately mentioned that no violations were found. The Oregonian erroneously reported that “investigators met with clinic workers and leaders of Beaverton’s Grace Bible Church.” To be very clear, the Machiavellian registered letter, threatening prison and fines, was the first and last contact BGBC had with Brad Avakian’s BOLI.No BOLI official ever “met with” or talked to any member or leader from BGBC.
Beaverton Grace Bible Church has been at Portland’s most murderous abortion clinic nearly every week for the last year. We’re often joined by Christians from other Portland area churches. By God’s gracious provision we will continue to minister grace and truth, Law and Gospel at the Lovejoy Surgicenter and other local abortion clinics until the slaughter of unborn children comes to an end. One goal of our upcoming Biblical Church Evangelism Conference (Aug. 11-17) is to encourage and equip pastors and churches for Abortion Clinic Evangelism. We invite Bible believing Christians across America and in the Pacific Northwest to join us in loving unborn children, their parents, and abortion clinic workers with action and truth. May God grant that lives and souls will be saved. May the Lord be pleased to grant the abortion clinic owners, doctors, nurses, receptionists, their allies in the liberal press, and their political ally (Brad Avakian) repentance and saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
*What does a baby rescuing, soul saving abortion clinic ministry of the Law and Gospel look like? Watch the Law and Gospel go forth, and a child’s precious life saved outside of the Lovejoy Surgicenter abortion clinic: Abortion Clinic Law & Gospel Ministry is Saving Lives
*What is the truth about abortion and those that work in abortion clinics? An abortion nurse confesses on video, “I have babies to kill now.” Pray that this woman will turn from her sin and look to Jesus Christ to be saved: Abortion Nurse Confession: “I have babies to kill now.”
Evangelist Tony Miano planned and carried out a grace and truth Gospel blitz on Hollywood Blvd. with evangelistic troops he gathered from across the United States of America, and all the way from Australia. It was the final evangelistic event of the Cross Encounters Ministries pre & post Shepherds’ Conference Gospel outreach. There were men standing on the Hollywood Stars engraved in the pavement handing out Gospel tracts while engaged in conversations of eternal consequence about Heaven, Hell, and the Lord Jesus Christ up and down the block. Pastor Geoff Kirkland (St. Louis), Pastor Chuck O’Neal (Portland), Derek Hanson (Portland), and several others heralded forth the Gospel with a powerful amplifier. The Cross Encounters Ministries pre & post Shepherds’ Conference Gospel outreach was a huge success and a great addition to the conference experience. We all look forward to next year!
Wretched’s Todd Friel does an outstanding job of highlighting the appropriate Biblical response to those who blaspheme the Gospel and heckle the preacher of the Gospel (see above). The scene of the blasphemy is the beautiful campus of UCLA. The blasphemer is a dancing UCLA student. The Gospel preacher is Justin Edwards. The evangelistic outreach was Tony Miano’s Cross Encounters Ministries Pre-Shepherd’s Conference Gospel Outreach. The full video is below.
On Saturday, April 12th, an ER doctor pulled her car to the curb in front of Portland’s most murderous abortion clinic. She jumped out to give us a piece of her mind. Doctors have years of medical education, surely this doctor will provide hard biological and physiological evidence for her support of abortion. ER doctors handle high stress situations routinely in their profession, surely this doctor will keep her cool and articulate her position supporting the murder of unborn babies in a professional manner. Dr. Christine does NOT give evidence of her years of medical education, NOR does she give evidence that she handles stressful situations well. The doctor does provide ample evidence that murderous hatred in your heart, causes you loose your head. For this doctor and so many like her, the millions of unborn babies being murdered by abortion have been totally dehumanized and the plight of abortion minded women is totally sensationalized with the threat of “hangers” in back alleys. There is no logical or loving defense of the murder of the unborn.
“Whoever hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.” -1 John 3:15
Pray for Dr. Christine and those like her. She has hatred and murder in her heart, and will perish in her sin unless she repents.
Have you been blessed by this ministry? Please prayerfully consider partnering with us in the ministry of the gospel!