We serve a amazing God! It is a blessing to report that He was exalted through the preaching of His Word, through worship, through prayer, through powerful Gospel proclamation, and through sweet fellowship at the Soul Winner Herald Society (more below).
What was the Soul Winner experience? It was Philippians 1:27 jumping off the page into the local church:
“Only let your conduct be worthy of the Gospel of Christ…stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the Gospel.”

The Lord gathered together Gospel loving saints from all across North America, new friends and family in Christ. The “conduct” was truly that of men and women who have died to self and taken up the cross of Christ, His testimony and His Gospel. There was a profound and sweet sense of unity in the Gospel; brothers and sisters in Christ standing firm with one passion, with one Bible saturated mind, “striving together” for the advancement of “the faith of the Gospel!”

Jeff Rose has drawn together an amazing team of speakers for the Herald Society. These men have the aroma of Christ upon them. They are sweet in Jesus, and powerful in the Gospel. Jeff is a lion in the pulpit and on the street. Each messenger and each message ministered to heart, mind, and soul. As a husband, father, and pastor, I can emphatically say there is no group of men I would rather have my family and the saints of Beaverton Grace Bible Church sit under, serve alongside, and fellowship with. The blessings of the Soul Winner Herald Society started in our homes, flowed out to the local church, and then finally landed on the streets with a glorious sonic boom of Gospel proclamation in the heart of downtown Portland.
Here’s a brief description of the Friday night Soul Winner outreach. Evangelist Mike Stockwell stood in the center of Pioneer Courthouse Square and boldly preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Apologist Sye Ten Bruggencate engaged a group of Muslim men directly to my right. Elder Dale Weaver declared the one true God and His Son to a Scientology outreach team just in front and to the left of me. Pastor Carl Heitman sat down with a man and woman on the steps below me, and loved them with action and Gospel truth. Across the square Carlos, Mark, and his wife Valery were deep in a Soul Winning conversation. Behind me, Joshua (14) was lifting up the “one name under heaven by which men must be saved” with a Muslim woman sitting on a bench. Young children were handing out Gospel tracts all around me. Further away on the left, Derek Hanson had a group of men listening intently as he brought the Gospel to bear upon their hearts. Every direction you looked, there were men, women, and children delivering and receiving soul saving words of life. Toward the end of the evening Robert Gray stood upon the wall adjacent to the fountain and preached a message of such beauty, power, and authority the entire square seemed to fall silent to drink in every precious word. At almost 11 PM, when we had to leave, it was difficult to break off the many conversations still taking place. The Soul Winner Herald Society went off like a bomb on the streets of Portland and Amazing Grace flew in every direction!

It is my prayer and belief that the Herald Society will continue to grow and be used mightily in the years ahead for the advancement of the Kingdom of God, through the edification and encouragement of local churches and individual saints in the genuine, powerful, Biblical ministry of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Find and get to a Herald Society! Get your church there! Get your family there! Get in, get built up, and get out with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Many thanks to each of the men of the Herald Society (and their wives) for their love of the Savior, the Church, and lost sinners. The saints of Beaverton Grace Bible Church love you and the One whom you serve so valiantly! May God bless each of you, watch over you and your families, provide for your every need, and strengthen you in His service for His glory and the saving of souls! Please come again soon brothers!
Many thanks to all of our guests from across North America! What an wonderful week we had together. May the Lord continue to bless each one of you as you magnify the name of Jesus! Lord willing, we’ll see you at the Biblical Church Evangelism Conference and/or at our next Herald Society. Come again!
Many thanks to the men (especially the deacons, the technical crew, & worship folks) and women (especially the superb hospitality ladies & our dear pianist) of Beaverton Grace Bible Church who made all the vital details come together for the glory of our Lord and blessing of all!